Thursday, February 22, 2007

Random thoughts...

Does it have to have a theme? Does it have to be for public consumption? I guess not... I think I want to blog my thoughts only to come back and reflect upon the same; see how things have changed for me.

Current hot topics in my mind...

- Quit Smoking (quitting tomm) / Gym (starting tomm!!!)
- Loans Loans and loans (take more? pay back more?)
- Make more money, work smart (such a ghisa pita line)
- Spend less (yeah right!)
- Attitude shift (AS 1) - Digest the fact that I can only change myself
- AS 2 - Start each day with a balanced view, "Things could have been a lot worse!!!"
- AS 3 - Acknowledge family as an important piece of my life and treat everyone well
- AS 4 - Coach kids better